An image used to promote a blog post about word alternatives for overused words in the online service provider industry. Found on Dupe Photos.

90+ Unexpected Word Alternatives to Use in Your Copy

Copywriting Resources

There is definitely an online service provider “vernacular” that is easy to slip into. Though it might not be as conspicuous to our clients outside of the space (which, at the end of the day, is really what matters) it’s definitely noticeable if you’ve been in this industry long enough to notice. At best, it’s […]


Free resource, lead magnet ideas for online service based businesses.

Freebie. Lead Magnet. List Builder. Whatever you call it, if you’ve been in the online service provider industry for more than 15 minutes, you’ve heard of it. And probably been told that you “need one” or else your business will go up in flames. Or, on the flip side of the conversation, you might be […]

10 Freebie Ideas for Online Service Providers

Business Advice


How to keep your business from losing money during the slow summer season.

How to “Summer Proof” Your Service-based Business

News & Opinion

Summer is historically a slow time for service-based businesses. Your target audience is slowing down to take vacations, spend time with their family, and pump the breaks on the hustling that they’ve focused on in the first half of the year. And can you blame them? Chances are, you’re in the mood to do the […]


A photo of many people working on a phone and computer, used as the promotional image for a piece on sales and buyer psychology.

When it comes to writing effective, fun-to-read copy for your website, your offers, and even your social media marketing, being a decent writer is just the first step.  In fact, we would argue that being a decent writer is only about 20% of the job. The rest of the work comes from research skills, knowing […]

14 Sales Psychology Tricks to Make Your Copy Better

Digital Marketing


3 people attend a meeting. Used as the promotional image for a blog about whether or not copywriting is worth the money in 2024.

Is copywriting actually worth the money in 2024?

Copywriting FAQs

Deciding what business investments are most worth it in 2024? We’re here to help you consider why a copywriting investment is always worth the cost.  What is copywriting?  Copywriting is more than just words. It involves crafting evocative text that effectively markets a brand, service, or product to your audience. Creating the perfect copy requires […]


A product photo of The Market Research Vault, a market research and messaging resource for creative service providers.

Jumping into work after the holiday lull is never easy. You’re trying to plan and prep, while your typically active audience is moving slower than usual.  The silence and slowness can certainly cause some stress. But there’s a personal, engaging, low cost way to get your audience back on your side after a slow season: […]

How to Use Market Research to Heat Up a Cold Audience

Digital Marketing


High-conversion, fill-in-the-blank website copy template for service-based entrepreneurs.

3 Valuable Copywriting Tools for Your Small Business

Copywriting Resources

No matter how word-averse you are, your brand needs stellar, persuasive copy to succeed (even Forbes agrees.) Every single word you write is a chance to catch someone’s eye and convert them to a lifetime customer.  That sounds like a lot of pressure, especially if you’re not a writer, but don’t panic. There are plenty […]