A photo of a man talking on the phone in front of his computer. Used as the featured image for a blog post from Cool Copy Club on how to DIY your brand voice and messaging strategy.

5 Questions to Help You Nail Your Brand Voice

Digital Marketing

“Brand voice” is just one of those brand-building things. It feels squishy and confusing and ever-changing in a way that you’re not even sure that you actually know what it is. Not only that, but marketers looooooove to use “brand voice” as a hot-button topic. You need it. No actually, you don’t need it. Before […]


A photo of many people working on a phone and computer, used as the promotional image for a piece on sales and buyer psychology.

When it comes to writing effective, fun-to-read copy for your website, your offers, and even your social media marketing, being a decent writer is just the first step.  In fact, we would argue that being a decent writer is only about 20% of the job. The rest of the work comes from research skills, knowing […]

14 Sales Psychology Tricks to Make Your Copy Better

Digital Marketing


A product photo of The Market Research Vault, a market research and messaging resource for creative service providers.

How to Use Market Research to Heat Up a Cold Audience

Digital Marketing

Jumping into work after the holiday lull is never easy. You’re trying to plan and prep, while your typically active audience is moving slower than usual.  The silence and slowness can certainly cause some stress. But there’s a personal, engaging, low cost way to get your audience back on your side after a slow season: […]


A photo of a brunette girl with price tag stickers covering her face. Used as the featured image in a blog post about how to market your business without using social media.

Instagram and TikTok business “gurus” have made many new entrepreneurs believe social media is marketing. This is those “gurus” way of selling you their product and advice without taking your actual business needs into account.  Conflating marketing and social media can be detrimental for your business for two major reasons:  It’s an easy trap to […]

Money Making Marketing for Entrepreneurs Who Hate Social Media

Digital Marketing


A black wire on a white background, used as the featured image of a blog about using ChatGPT and AI to write your website copy

Why you shouldn’t trust ChatGPT to write your website copy

Digital Marketing

We won’t shy away from the fact that we’re ChatGPT haters. Sure, it has its uses (we’ve tried it for SEO, meal prepping, having conversations in French, and curating a list of all the Taylor Swift songs that include the words “haunted,” “haunting,” and “ghost” for a Halloween party playlist). It was decent at those […]


A woman stands in the middle of a flurry of white paper in an office. Used for a promotional image on Cool Copy Club's 2024 Digital Marketing trend predictions.

As we settle into 2024, we’re starting to see the marketing shifts planted in 2023 bloom. Here are the predicted trends you’ll want to get on board with — before less-savvy marketers catch on.  Long-form content stealing the spotlight As a collective, consumers are pushing back against mindless microcontent stealing away our attention spans. We […]

CCC State of the Union: Digital Marketing Trends for 2024

News & Opinion