3 people attend a meeting. Used as the promotional image for a blog about whether or not copywriting is worth the money in 2024.

Is copywriting actually worth the money in 2024?

Deciding what business investments are most worth it in 2024? We’re here to help you consider why a copywriting investment is always worth the cost. 

What is copywriting? 

Copywriting is more than just words. It involves crafting evocative text that effectively markets a brand, service, or product to your audience. Creating the perfect copy requires research, strategy, and an impeccable understanding of your audience and their needs. 

Is copywriting valuable?

Think about it: you or your sales team can only work so many hours in a day. Copy, on the other hand, is working 24/7 365 days a year. Copy, and your copywriter, are responsible for intimately understanding your audience’s problems and conveying your solution. Great business and copywriting go hand-in-hand!

Even the slightest change in text can boost customer engagement and action. For example, Unbounce changed “Start your free 30 day trial” to “Start my free 30 day trial” and saw their email click-thru rate (CTR) increase by 90%. 

In another instance, a company needed an English-version of their Spanish website. They spent $8,000K for the revamp and within several days of launch, they saw a 140% ROI. While numbers will vary from business to business, it’s safe to bet on your copywriting ROI in 2024.

So, yes, I can say that your copywriting investment value is top-priority…so long as it’s actually quality work. 

The benefits of stellar web copy

You know what copywriting is. You know that it’s valuable. But what, exactly, are the benefits you’ll see? Let’s chat about it. 

  1. Gives your brand a voice

To grow a successful business, you need to distinguish yourself from the competition. But when you may have similar products or services to other entrepreneurs, you need a strong voice to stand out. 

Copy lets you hone that voice and take control of your brand’s image so you can set yourself apart from your competitors. 

  1. Build strong customer relationships

Good copy speaks to your audience. It understands their problems, their languages, and the solutions they’re looking for. When you know how to talk to someone, you bring them in. They trust you and your brand because you understand them. Great design and great products can do a lot, but great copy is how you establish a genuine connection with your audience. 

  1. Easily repurpose across marketing efforts

One of the best parts about great copy is its reusability. If the words on your website work, you can use them (or a variation of) across your other marketing efforts, like social media, blogs, or paid ads. 

Ok, wait, what about ChatGPT? Can’t it write my copy? 

ChatGPT is a useful tool and it can technically write copy. But can it write copy that’s unique, flexible, and relevant to your audience? No, it can’t. ChatGPT can’t replace a copywriter who works to understand your audience and business goals. The tool lacks the nuance and skill to accurately represent your brand.

Boost business in 2024 with killer copy

You get the memo by now. A copywriting investment is well worth it. 

For new businesses, start with low cost options, like these fill-in-the-blank copywriting templates because they give you the ability to learn your own voice (and change it as your business changes). And for entrepreneurs looking for record growth in 2024, consider hiring a professional copywriter.

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